Get Drunk Or Go Home!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The most infamous tailgaters, The Dead Tree Crew, were featured on Real Sports last night and did not disappoint. Via the Sporting Blog.....

Real Sports always does a great job with these type of stories and this one is no different. I personally hated my last trip to Fed Ex field for the Giants game this past season, but that's just me. I saw two full on brawls, people yelling at kids in Giants jerseys, and there was a rumor of a female fan getting accosted in a bathroom as well. There's also the fact that beers are $8 and the stadium's parking situation is just impossible.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I actually agree that it's pretty out of control. At least in Raljon er, Landover, Maryland it is. That's just one man's opinion though.

People Get Drunk at NFL Games? Shocking! (The Sporting Blog)

Posted by Awful Announcing- at 4:24 PM


Completely agree, I've been to FedEx several times in the last couple of years and I don't go one game without seeing at least one fight or incident where fans are screaming curse words at other people. I consider myself lucky that my hometown Panthers haven't had incidents like the ones shown, at least not yet. I want to be able to take my kid(s) to games so this needs to get under control.

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 5:04:00 PM  

If you think it's bad now, wait until Dumbass Snyder hires JIM FASSEL!!!

GMoney said...
Jan 23, 2008, 5:21:00 PM  

I'm an Eagles fan living in MD and have gone to two Skins/Birds games at FedEx the last couple seasons. In 2006 a full-scale brawl broke out in a bathroom at halftime because a drunken Skins fan was upset that we were using the bathroom and he had to stand in line. This year was a bit better, though I must admit that I stashed my Jaws jersey in the cooler as I walked through the horrid parking lot to get to my buddy's tailgate.

That said, I went to an Eagles/Ravens game at The Linc a couple seasons ago and I was embarassed to be an Eagles fan. It was a 1 PM kickoff and the atmosphere in the stadium prior to the start was like the worst bar you've ever been in just as they've announced last call. I didn't even want to make eye contact with our Philly fans!

A kid in a Ravens jersey was being cursed at and the woman sitting next to me spent the whole first half leaning over the row in front of her so she could scream obscenities at the perfectly polite, non-a-hole Ravens fan sitting in our section.

It's a shame that these events have gotten to the point where I wouldn't think of taking my daughter to one in a million years.

Dan said...
Jan 23, 2008, 5:50:00 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheFolkist said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:05:00 PM  

the nfl is fucking crazy. they don't care because (1) people buy the beers no matter the cost, and (2) this kind of moronic nonsense driving ticket/parking/jersey sales, which is what the nfl is all about.

I live in DC, like most people there i'm a migrant. I hear on the radio all the time about how horrid Fed-Ex is, the parking, the exploitation, the fans…a local radio morning guy, whose been a fan for life, said after the embarrassment of some of the shit he saw, the $300 he spent for him and his friend to go, and the three hours it took them to get home…that he was done going to games until something changed.

While working in B-more I actually heard worse things about Whatever Bank Field. A lot of old drunk people yelling at young sober kids…one story about a 30 year old guy dumping nacho cheese on a 12 year old girls Not-Ravens jacket…lots of bullshit like that.

I'll get off my high horse now, but I totally agree there is a problem, I'd love to see that story in full.

TheFolkist said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:05:00 PM  

This is why I avoid alcohol (for the most part) when I'm out in public. I have never been to an NFL game and don't plan on going to one anytime soon. If it weren't for Fantasy Football, I wouldn't care about the NFL (except to watch the game in high-def).

It's sad that NFL games have come to this (not that college games are much better.)Where is the redeeming social value in going out and getting lit? Go hard or go home? No thanks, I'll just stay home and watch it from the comfort of my living room (in high-def) where I don't have to fight anyone for the bathroom. And I won't have a hangover on Monday. I guess all this means I'm just maturing. Dang it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:15:00 PM  

That made me really thirsty for drinking bad scotch straight out of the bottle.

E Buzz said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:34:00 PM  

Hey Milt,

Stop selling beer you lying cocksucker.

Is that gonna happen?

Nah. Well, it is hard getting drunk on one or two Coors Lights, the official Beer of the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, so you have to buy 10 at 8/pop.

I was at Heinz Fielt last year when an off duty firefighter got his ass beat by 8 cops and tased a few times.

So that was nice...

E Buzz said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:41:00 PM  

Whatever happened to going to a game just to actually watch it?

UnHoly Diver said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:41:00 PM  

When I lived out west, I went to a Jets-Chargers game in San Diego. Some of the Jets fans were walking around trying to instigate fights, but the Chargers fans were just too laid back.

yournamehere said...
Jan 23, 2008, 6:53:00 PM  

I grew up in Phillyt going to the Vet and the new Eagles stadium. You literally cannot look at most people, in the eye, or risk a major brawl. They are proud to get drunk and fights occur all day. You could not pay me to go any longer.Gumbel should be talking to the NFL in much more detail--drunkenness is an NFL ritual. Go to a Phillies or Flyers game-no problem.What about beer sales and ads?????????

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 7:23:00 PM  

We've all got stories about bad times at sporting events, but the fundamental flaw in the NFL's position is that stadium's have a responsibility to create a family atmosphere.

For a game and league that thrive on the basic foundation of violence and gambling - with the added bonus of booze and bravado - there isn't a chance in hell I would ever take a kid to an NFL game. Frankly, there isn't a chance in hell I'll ever set foot in an NFL stadium again. (it's been a decade for the record).

It's like the NFL steroid policy all over again with these people. We ALL know the real truth and for every public denouncement, we find that the NFL thrives and profits by spinning falsehoods.

The NFL is decidedly not kid, nor family friendly and to claim so is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 7:41:00 PM  

I honestly have to admit I dont go to any sporting events anymore and this is one of the reasons why.
When we're kids and we went to Jets game ( shea stadium and the meadowlands )and we never went to see our favorite teams we waited til they played the Giants because Giants fans we always alot better.
But I can remember vividly seeing little kids crying or even older kids because they had the audacity to root for the other team.This won't become a major issue until we start seeing the holiganism that appears at soccer games.

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 8:08:00 PM  

The NFL has an Official Beer.

Milt of the NFL can go fuck himself, he's a lying sack of shit.

E Buzz said...
Jan 23, 2008, 8:29:00 PM  

The NFL is the by far the least family friendly sport. I didn't realize how dangerous it could be until I went with my friend (who is a Steelers fan) to their game at Baltimore in 2005. It didn't even take five minutes before we (and the 10 to 12 people who happened to be near us) to get nailed with beer.

Anonymous said...
Jan 23, 2008, 9:01:00 PM  

The Chargers tailgates are pretty cool until the Raiders come to town. But Raiders tailgates are pretty cool ... if you're a Raiders fan because fans of other teams won't dare show up. Although I did once. But I'm a big guy.

THN said...
Jan 23, 2008, 9:44:00 PM  

If you go to an OPPOSING teams stadium wearing your own teams're asking to get whats coming to you. It's an unfortunate reality, but you've got to use common sense when you go into somebody elses house.

I've been to FedEx plenty, and for the most part have not seen the problems widespread all over the stadium.

And as far as "Protecting the children..." the same time you bitch and moan because somebody said a four-letter word within ear shot of little Johnnie...what about all the music, video games, and movies he's been staring/listening/watching for hours on end because he's not allowed to play outside because you think every car that drives by your house is full of pedophiles.

I have no problem taking my kids to games...we point and laugh at the drunks and usu. get a high five or "Hell yeah" from them...but I've got enough sense to know I'm not wearing a Redskins jersey on the road.

Sam Walker said...
Jan 24, 2008, 8:32:00 AM  

I find it somewhat interesting that you never mentioned "I saw two full on brawls, people yelling at kids in Giants jerseys, and there was a rumor of a female fan getting accosted in a bathroom as well." after you went to the game back in september, you were just upset that the skins choked big time.

But I suppose you would say anything to jump on the bandwagon and say that tailgating has gotten out of control at FedEx field...on second thought maybe you are just getting old...come on man...its football, people drink and have a good time. You just stay home with your computer and live blog the games if you can't take a little rowdiness, and drink every time they show the band.

Anonymous said...
Jan 24, 2008, 10:31:00 AM  

Nearly every comment I see on here comes from fans of teams out east. (Philly, Jets, Redskins, etc...) Maybe those fans need to get off their high horse and just enjoy the game. I was recently in Denver and wore my Minnesota gear and didn't have a problem what so ever.

Anonymous said...
Jan 24, 2008, 10:45:00 AM  

I'm from Cleveland...have been to two Browns-Steelers games in Pittsburgh and never had any problem. Two of my best friends went to a Sunday Night Browns-Ravens game at Baltimore and they had no problems either, and one of them burned a Ravens towel through the tailgating section.

I will say Browns tailgates are rough for opposing fans. Not proud of it when little kids are involved, but some of these jackasses deserve what comes to them because they antagonize and talk shit while walking through the Muny Lot (the largest most drunken tailgating area downtown) I've always said there are three stadiums I will never, ever wear opposing jerseys to: 1.) Philadelphia 2.) Oakland 3.) Cleveland. And based on this video 4.) Washington

Anonymous said...
Jan 24, 2008, 12:00:00 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jan 24, 2008, 12:52:00 PM  

I will never, ever wear opposing jerseys to: 1.) Philadelphia 2.) Oakland 3.) Cleveland. And based on this video 4.) Washington

Music to my ears. A small victory for the DTC.

Jan 24, 2008, 12:53:00 PM  

If you think it's bad now, wait until Dumbass Snyder hires JIM FASSEL!!!

I am HANNAH SMITH. A cute white girl with perfect sexy stature.
I am eager for a good man.
All can view my crazy hot photos at by searching "hannah2003". Whether black or white, rich or not. :)

Anonymous said...
Jan 25, 2008, 5:46:00 AM  

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