Are Pats Fans Too Cocky? I Submit To You Exhibit A
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I know that in all likely hood that these babies are going to be flying off the shelves after February 3rd, but here's the best part about this fabulous 19-0 can purchase it in time for the Super Bowl! has produced unique t-shirts to commemorate the National Champions of Professional Football. These t-shirts are Premium Quality Hanes and Fruit of the Loom 50/50 Heavyweight 5.4 oz. T-Shirts (50% cotton helps reduce skrinkage). We have built this site to allow you the opportunity to voice your opinion about your favorite team in New England. They sure do give a new meaning to “patriots”. Get your 19-0 supporting t-shirt now and wear it with pride. Show everyone that you are a “patriot” too!Just think how awesome it would be to show your friends how much of a fan you are with this thing! I mean Giants Fans will love you for your honesty (they knew they didn't have a shot anyway) and Pats fans will love you for NOT jinxing their team.
If only it came in pink....

19-0 Shirts, Wear It When It Happens (
Labels: Dumb Ideas, New England Patriots, The Greatest T-Shirt In The History Of The World, Tom Brady, undefeated teams
These dildos can skirt NFL licensing rules and get away with it, but churches can't hold Super Bowl parties.
Heh, I'd much rather have a "**** you, Mercury Morris shirt." When do those come out?
i hope the patriots don't have their own version of pink hat nation if they win this game. i can't take it anymore. everytime i go to fenway i see some douche with his girlfriend rocking a pink hat and a pink varitek shirt.
are you trying to break the record today for how many posts AA can make in a day?
Do a lot of Pats fans have problems with skrinkage?
Do you actually think Patriots FANS are hawking those T-shirts? It's just some unaffiliated dude trying to make some money.
But sign me up for the Mercury Morris shirt.
Yeah you're probably right Anon, and put me down for a Merc Shirt as well.
Other Anon- No, just realizing how many page views I could get if I woke up at 6am everday.
You used "they're" - should be "their"
Thanks editor Anon...those are tricky.
You clearly need a good copy editor, AA.
*whistles innocently, not noting that Willmott is, in fact, a copy editor*
keep taunting the weauxf gods
I'm not a Patriots fan, but I'd buy a "F-You Mercury Morris" shirt.
There we go. Click my name for my idea for the shirt. Now, who'll actually put them into production?
I assume has to approve shirt designs or has some form of checking that would reject nhz's design. That's a shame.
"I don't get the Dolphins saying that if the Patriots win, they're welcomed to the club. If they win, you guys get out -- they are the club now. Since when was 19 less than or equal to 17?" -- Jim Rome
Yeah, I think also I'd have to get rid of the image of his face for it to be approved. Still, it was really an "I can dream, can't I?" type thing. :)
I've seen people wearing "UNDEFEATED 16-0" shirts. I'm assuming those came after the regular season, but come on. They look NFL licensed too.
this is why everyone hates anything from new england
I'd like a "F U Jim Nantz and Phil Simms, friends" t-shirt.
If somehow the Giants can win the Super Bowl, I'll gladly purchase an 18-1 t-shirt for my Beantown co-worker.
Reminds me of a few stores breaking out the "Vikings 1999 NFC Champions" shirts a little too early. This does not bode well for New England. (And I want to forward this to Bill Simmons just to watch him go berserk.)
As a lifelong Pats fan. No real Pats fan would do this as it is as stupid as can be.
I've seen photos of poor people in Africa wearing 2005 Houston Astros World Series Champion t-shirts, 2005 Detroit Pistons repeat caps, etc. I can only hope the underprivileged of these third world nations have a new item to add to their wardrobes.
DAMN! NO Pats fan would wear one of these. I think I just broke a knuckle knocking on wood!
Geez another reason to hate NE fans????
Ugh, no. I wouldn't even buy one if they did win.
Where are the 18-1 t-shirts?
I will want one of these very much if the Patriots lose.