Nike's Ignorance Campaign
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
This just reeks of douchebaggery beyond comprehension, but Nike is capitalizing on the Rutgers' Basketball Team by creating an ad campaign around the incident.
The shoe uber-company's latest print ad is highlighted by the tagline, "Thank You Ignorance.", and the online ad goes on to include the sentences seen in the screen grab below (click to make larger).This campaign is completely taking advantage of the young women in a way that Imus couldn't have joked about. There is not a company with a bigger corporate agenda than Nike and this just makes me hate them more. Remember this is the company that said The Starbury Shoe is great for the price, but it isn't the same quality as Nike.
Hmmm, what happened when both shoes were cut open and compared to one another on 20/20?
Nike Thanks Don Imus For Ignorance (Duncan's Print)
Nike Knocks Imus In Anti-Racism Ad (Boston Herald)
***UPDATE*** Just came across a great post from The Feed in which they noticed the print ad ran with a typo.
Thank you for making an entire nation listen to the Rutger's team story.
This just annoys me. Ignorance whether any of us like it or not is far from gone. It's not our fault Women's athletics do not appeal to general sports fans. Women's basketball is the equivalent of high school to me. I just cannot watch it.
Nike: proving that you can take anything somewhat poignant or meaningful and manipulate it to sell shit.
Nike forgot to add "Thank you for losing to Tennessee in the national championship game by double digits."
As Imus would say "Heh heh. Shut up, stupid! Bay-beh!"
"Thank you for bailing out our marketing division, who are all completely stumped at the moment."
How is this add campaign ok. Thank you for starting conversations, i mean is there next thing going to be about the vt shootings (this is not emant as a joke but as an allusion to taking advantage of public sympathy, and in no way do i think imus and vt shootings are the same)