Reggie Miller Gives Men A New Term For Their Junk
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Some good games on TNT last night and in the second game it was this foul by Manu Ginobili and subsequent description by Reggie Miller that caught my ear.
That's right everyone your groin is now your....."Man Region"! You could just hear the gears grinding there couldn't you? Good stuff Reggie and great save on the Politically Correct (Collect) comment as well.
Labels: Marv Albert, Mike Fratello, Reggie Miller, Testical Quotes, TNT Basketball
Magic Johnson Does Not Watch The NBA
It's almost not funny how bad the Knicks are this year (I said almost). I've gone from not watching them at all last year to watching every game I can this year to see how bad they play.
The team had been playing better, but seemed to fall off again as they've lost 5 of their last 7. All of the nonsense that's happened this year, their 14-31 record, and a second to last place standing in their conference doesn't matter to Magic Johnson. No Earvin seems to think that the Knicks are making the playoffs, and might even be a seven seed (!?). From the NY Post via Sports By Brooks...
“They’re going to make the playoffs. They’re going to be a tough seventh, eighth seed too, especially now that they’re looking like they’re turning the corner.Riiiiiight. I think Magic should stick to opening movie theaters for awhile. I also pray this comes up on Inside the NBA tonight.
“I think they’re going to make the run because everyone is comfortable in their roles. And everybody is playing hard. You could see they are turning the corner. Now everyone knows their roles.’’
“I can see when teams are starting to make their run. I think they’ll settle in after the All-Star break and make their run. Because there’s no way I don’t see them making the seven and eighth seed when I look at the East.’’
Magic: “No Way” Knicks Won’t Make The Playoffs (Sports by Brooks)
Gimme A Break Magic (NY Post)
Labels: Charles Barkley, Magic Johnson, New York, TNT Basketball
Emmitt Smith: "Sharp As A Whistle" Since 2007
I must admit here to all of you that I find the Jimmy Kimmel Show hilarious. Well the JKS did us all a great service last night by putting together all of the best clips of Emmitt's first season on ESPN. They even have one that we all missed!
Pardon the quality, but until networks start letting us embed videos this is what you get.
That's right folks....The Patriots need to go to Arizona "sharp as a whistle"! God I love you Emmitt. Just amazing.
Labels: Emmitt Smith, Quotes, Randomness, Sunday Countdown
Joe Buck Differs From Jim Nantz, Won't Plan Championship Call
The one knockthat I've always had on Jim Nantz was that everyone of his Championship calls seemed to be decided by an Internet poll ("Florida takes it's place in history. Back to back and...dramatic pause....UNfogettable"). Well according to Neil Best of Newsday, Joe Buck doesn't plan ahead the way others do....
"Any time you try to script out these spontaneous moments you miss something that's right now that you can't predict,'' he said. "It's just another example of how you have to live in the moment. I just will not do that for Sunday. Whatever happens, happens.That's the one thing...the only thing...I've ever liked about Buck. Whenever there's a dramatic play he let's the crowd tell you what happened. Occasionally he let's it go on for too long, but it's much better than saying something Nantz-like if you ask me.
"If the confetti comes down and this team is 19-0 or if the Giants pull off this upset, what more am I going to say that's better than what we're witnessing? I don't want to ruin that.''
If you decide to change your mind Joe, I do have a few suggestions....
"And New York is the GIANT killer of the NFL this Super Bowl"
"David slays Goliath only this time David is a Giant"
"Patriots, Perfection, Personified!"
"One If By Land, Two If By Sea, Get Your Lamps Out New England The Pats Are Coming Home Champs!"
Joe Buck won't pre-plan for possible historic call (Newsday)
Labels: Jim Nantz, Joe Buck, Quotes, Super Bowl XLII
Create The Caption #156
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Tuesday's Winners....
"Come on Nantz, put that thing away. Later."- Hollywood Wags
"Constance Fry
Constance Fry
Anytime you call…
Constance would fulfill your needs
Winter, spring, or fall…"- shoebootie (Trading Places....nice.)
"Hey you know, I think I could call my ma while I'm up here. (shouts) Hey maw! Get off the dang roof!"- Anon
"MATT BRAADDY"- Wish Me Well
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Erin Andrews interviewing a PSU fan? (Via RTC Talk)
Daily Links:
Stephen A. Smith Officially Fired From Inquirer (
Aaron Gray Likes Purses (Chicago Bull)
Chad Johnson Goes Public With Trade Demands (Meaningful Collateral)
John Madden Is The King Of The Telestrator Penis! (You Tube)
Sox Fan Freaking Out On American Idol (Red Sox Monster)
Biedrins Likes Hair Products (The Sports Hernia)
Faking Cancer Is Not Cool (Sports by Brooks)
A Nice Take On Gregg Easterbrook (Sports Media Journal)
Sorry for the lack of posts the past few days but I've been battling one hell of a flu bug. The Shaman I saw this morning provided me with some holistic medicines and I'm already starting to feel better. Thanks for bearing with me and my fever.
Ladies And Gentlemen I Give You Christopher James Berman
I really have no idea how old or why this video was just added, I just know that it's probably the greatest video ever. Here we go (NSFW language).....
Ahh...that's a video that will warm your soul.
Chris Berman Is Somewhat Disturbed With The Help (Deadspin)
Labels: Chris Berman, Cursing, Fights, Randomness Gets A Pretty Makeover And Becomes A Part Of
Again, I don't know if I'm just out of the loop with all things DP, but I had no idea this was taking place today. Dan Patrick's online site where he's played around for the past few months officially went over to today and it's become very fancy.
Included on the page are a listen live button (9am-noon), his blog, fan comments, polls, a debate of the day, and a section for SI's latest articles. All in all, it's put together fairly well. They've even already broken out today's show into downloadable segments and it just ended 30 minutes ago (it takes M&M about a day).
Another neat thing is that Dan plans to use the user comment section during the show as opposed to reading emails. Very meta Dan....very meta. We'll see what he has in store for his first column which will hit stands February 6th.
Dan Patrick at (
P.S.- I'm glad you stuck with the cigar photo for your logo....good stuff.
Labels: Dan Patrick, Hires, Sports Illustrated, Sports Radio
Eric Wynalda Dropped By ABC/ESPN
After all of the controversy that Eric Wynalda went through last year it isn't surprising that the WWL has benched the former Soccer star in favor of another. According to ESPN....
ESPN and ABC will kick off its 13th straight season of Major League Soccer coverage with a new line-up of in-booth commentators – veteran soccer television announcer JP Dellacamera and former U.S. Men’s National Team captain John Harkes – for MLS Primetime Thursday and U.S. Soccer telecasts including, the 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying matches.I don't really watch MLS on ESPN, but doesn't the addition of JP Dellacamera mean that Dave O'Brien is out as well? Either way it'll be interesting to see where Wynalda ends up now.
Dellacamera and Harkes will lead ESPN’s new on-air crew for U.S. domestic soccer telecasts with sideline reporter Allen Hopkins returning for the second year on select MLS and U.S. Soccer telecasts. Rob Stone, who has been involved with soccer at ESPN since 1997, will continue his role as on-site studio host and play-by-play commentator for select MLS matches, with former U.S. Women’s National Team captain and soccer Hall of Famer Julie Foudy as studio analyst.
Eric Wynalda Might Be Done As A Soccer Analyst (Awful Announcing)
Eric Wynalda Has A Clever Nickname For Jim Rome (Awful Announcing)
Labels: Eric Wynalda, ESPN Fires, ESPN Hires, MLS, Soccer
ESPN And Dominos Are Doing Something
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Maybe it's the fever I'm running, but I can't for the life of me understand what any of this is about. ESPN is working with Dominos to air 90 seconds advertorials that they're calling "Sports Related Mini Films". What in the hell does that mean?
ESPN said today it would unveil a humorous campaign sponsored by Domino’s Pizza, the latest entry in ESPN Shorts, a series of four, 90-second advertorials designed to resemble sports-related mini-films.Ohhhh I get it now! They make me want to watch the 6pm Sports Center even less now. That makes complete sense.
“Planner presented by Domino’s Pizza,” via Ground Zero, Los Angeles, will break this week during SportsCenter (6 p.m. ET) and air over the next eight weeks. Spend was not given.
ESPN Shorts launched in 2004 with “The Scout presented by Sears,” about a hard-luck baseball scout who needs to find the next big thing, which turns out to be the groundskeeper who uses Craftsman products. They followed that in 2005 with “The Squeeze presented by Miller,” about a Boston family dealing with the death of an uncle who had a heart attack while watching Game 6 of the World Series.
ESPN, Domino's Team For SportsCenter Campaign (Brandweek)
Labels: ESPN Nonsense, Randomness, Sports Advertising, Sports Center
This Alycia Lane Saga Just Gets Weirder, She's Been Offered A Job With The WWE
Our favorite cop beating anchorwoman is back in the news, and this time it's even weirder than the other 40 times. Vince McMahon has reportedly offered Alycia Lane a job in professional wrestling. Via Media Bistro....
According to Alycia Lane's boyfriend, the troubled ex-television news anchor just got a job offer from the WWE. Yes, the pro wrestling league. Radio host Chris Booker was quoted in the Philadelphia Daily News as saying that Lane was offered an on-camera job at the WWE by Vince McMahon.Nice! She should so take him up on the offer because her life's been playing out like a WWE plot line anyway. Hell the script is already written....she sends photos to Triple H, Stephanie McMahon gets pissed and then they fight in a cage match. I'm brilliant I know.
Confirmation from the WWE was unavailable... but it's not too surprising. Lane, an news anchor in a large regional market, came to national prominence through two high-profile scandals in a single year. First, the Rich Eisen bikini pictures and then slugging the cop. For Lane (if the offer is true), the choice might just be between working for the WWE and kissing serious news goodbye... or accepting a job in a small Midwest or Southern market.
Something tells us she might just go for the first.
Alycia Lane's New Move... Pro Wrestling? (Media Bistro)
(Thanks to Mark B for the link)
Labels: Alycia Lane, Randomness, Sports Arrests, Wrestling
Teddy Atlas Suspended For A Week By ESPN
You always love to see producers and the talent argue or fight at a.....umm fight, but you hate to see that confrontation almost come to blows. Via the boxing site Boxing Scene...
As the story goes, Atlas confronted Loughrey over allegedly showing favoritism to certain promoters and matchmakers, who were abusing their ESPN connections by taking fighters from other promoters with promises of potential ESPN dates. The verbal exchange was aggressive and heard by many who were present at the event.I'm pretty sure the last person I'd want to get into a fight with is a boxing trainer. Also, it's been a suspension type few weeks for ESPN hasn't it? Who's next....Rachel Nichols???
This past Friday, Atlas was suspended by ESPN for a period of one-week. Several sources have indicated to that an internal inquiry is taking place to find out exactly what transpired between Loughrey and Atlas, and the basic facts of the subject matter involved in the argument.
ESPN's Loughrey, Yorgey Mess and Atlas Too (Boxing Scene)
Emmitt Says Knock You Out
This clip just bloweds my mind on numerous levels. Sean Salisbury, Emmitt Smith, and Stu Scott are talking how to cover Randy Moss....sounds like a bad joke right? Well just wait for Emmitt at the 1:10 mark....
Okay first of all, how does Sean Salisbury know who LL Cool J is and Emmitt doesn't. Secondly, what in the hell are they doing on that field? They're basically walking in circles and have their backs to the camera the whole time. I even spliced out about 2 minutes of that nonsense as well.
I don't know about you, but I think Moss would go for 340 and 5 TDs if you tried that gameplan.
Labels: Emmitt Smith, Randomness, Rap Music, Sean Salisbury, Stuart Scott
That Mascot Got Knocked The......You Know The Rest
So I woke up this morning with something like the flu and I needed a video like this to get me going. Don't know how much I'll post today, but if I watch this every hour on the hour I might get through the day.
I know it's wrong to laugh but coming from someone who's had to dress up as Chuck E. Cheese and Arthur the Aardvark....that's funny. Oh and she's recovered fine from her tackle.
Michael Kim Is Obviously Not Married, Or He's In Big Trouble At Home
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I can't believe I missed this earlier, but maybe it was because I was trying to delete him out the video. Michael Kim has a clever little play on words regarding the Tom Brady Marriage Proposal video (find the typo, er error).....
Umm Mikey....I'm pretty sure it's a "Ring" Finger. I could be wrong though.
Dear Tom Brady... I don't want you to marry me, just make me feel like a woman... (Dear Tracy P)
Labels: Michael Kim, Quotes, Randomness, Sports Center
Awkward! Spanish Reporter Asks To Be Mrs. Brady
Of course Tom handled this like he does everything else and even told the chica she was beautiful. He's such a catch....
"I got a few Mrs. Bradys in my life."- Tom Brady
I'm pretty sure he meant his mom and girlfriend, but there's a couple different ways to view that comment. Good stuff.
Labels: Quotes, Sports Love, Super Bowl XLII, Tom Brady
FOX Sports' Online Censorship Goes Batty
FOX Sports' "This Week in History" page on their website has gotten a little too strict when censoring words today. Rand Ball sent me a link asking me what I saw when I scrolled down to Jan. 29, 1936, and I couldn't stop laughing. Here's the quote and photo....
Jan. 29, 1936: Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Walter BLEEP , Christy Matthewson and Honus Wagner are announced as the first inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame.If you click on the bleeped out name of Walter "Johnson" it sends you to FOX's censorship page. Apparently the word/name "Johnson" has other meanings...what possibly could they be???
This date in sports history: First baseball HOF class (Rand Ball)
This Week In Sports History (FOX Sports)
Media Day Highlights: Overrated And Boring As Hell
I don't think that I've ever had the pleasure of watching Media Day live before in my life. You always hear a collection of the crazyiness later in the day, but watching it live is draining my soul. Highlights so far.
1. Sal Pal will not play your silly games Tonight Show and Kelli Pickler (Via MDS at Fanhouse)
I found it fairly amusing when she (Pickler) approached ESPN's Sal Paolantonio, who looked like he was about as interested in talking to her as he was in getting a root canal. Paolantonio was one of the few members of the media who treated media day as though it was an opportunity to do some actual work, and he refused to talk to Pickler when she tried to ask him about having media credentials. Instead, Paolantonio pointed to Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Bob Ford and said, "Bob will play along." He did.2. The Crazy Spanish lady who asked Tom Brady to marry her (Via
Ines Gomez Mont, a reporter for TV Azteca, came to Media Day at University of Phoenix Stadium intent on asking one question: Will you marry me, Tom Brady?3. Plaxico Burress' Glasses....
Sporting a cropped wedding dress and veil, she shouted her proposal from a mob of reporters. Brady's response? "What's your name?" (Video coming shortly)

4. Deion being on-air and letting others jump in front of him to ask Brandon Jacobs questions.
5. Michael Strahan singing Alicia Keys.
6. Rich Eisen calling Jeff Feagles an "OG"
7. Plax busting on New England's.....well as he called it...."Pep Rally".
"I didn't know they had pep rallies in Professional Sports. I thought I left that in High School."- PB (Comment of the day)
(I'll update as things move along....the Giants are on the field now and it seems like most of the Media members have left the building after the Pats were through)
Bloggers And Forbes Magazine Greatly Differ When Picking Influential Sportscasters
A good number of blogs were recently asked by Sports Media Challenge (an arm of Sports Business Daily) to give a list of the most influential, respected, and trusted Sportscasters for a client wanting to narrow their list down. At the time we were unaware of who they were compiling this for, but it turned out to be Forbes Magazine.
The magazine (from what I can gather) basically asked 4 different sects for their opinions and this is their list....
1. John Madden
2. Chris Berman
3. Jim Nantz
3. Troy Aikman
5. Terry Bradshaw
6. Bob Costas
7. Joe Buck
7. Peter Gammons
9. Dick Enberg
9. Bill Walton
Now I have no idea how they came up with ties and you have to consider that they also examined marketability and how much press the individuals got in the past year. Needless to say this wasn't even close to the Blogosphere's list....
1. Marv Albert
2. Bob Costas
3. Peter Gammons
4. Jon Miller
5. Gus Johnson
6. Al Michaels
7. Dan Patrick
8. Mike Tirico
9. Dick Enberg
10. Chris Fowler
AA's list: Marv Albert, Gus Johnson, Peter Gammons, Ron Jaworski, Dan Patrick, Al Michaels, Mike Tirico, Charles Barkley, Chris Fowler, Ernie Johnson (I completely forgot Dick Vitale so he's #11)
There's obviously going to be some discrepancy but that is just amazing. I really have no idea how Chris Berman or Dick Enberg would ever make that list, but maybe they have some deals with local eateries in their hometowns (or Dunkin Donuts for Leather). I can understand Buck making a list because of his commercial appeal, but when I made my list I focused on the words trust and respected. That's just me though. Your thoughts and/or lists in the comments.
TV's Most Influential Sportscasters (Forbes Magazine)
Labels: Bloggers of the World Unite, General Announcing, Sports Marketing, sports writing
Create The Caption #155
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Yesterday's Winners....
"Eskimo KISS!!!"- shrugz
"My mind's tellin' me no! But my BODY's tellin' me YES!"- Free Vick
"Hold me like you did on Naboo..."- Anon
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Brady....ummmm....yeah.... (I know I've gone with back-to-back Brady, but this one was just too good)
Starting over with word verification this time. Sorry about that folks....hopefully I can switch it off when our spammer decides to quit spreading his hate messages.
Daily Links:
How To Win A Bar Fight (Blog of Hilarity)
More Ridiculous Prop Bets (Vegas Watch)
Mike Adamle Is Back In Bidness (Pro Wrestling)
Boston Globe Already Pimping 19-0 Book (Amazon)
A Vote Against Van Gundy In The Booth (Hell Yes Guy)
Is Belichick Really A Genius Or Just Lucky (Rand Ball)
Dwayne Wade And His Virginity (Sports by Brooks)
Stop Being Snobs (MC Bias)
Sports Depression and You (Ghosts of Wayne Fontes)
VMI's Reggie Williams Is Getting No Love (Storming the Floor)
Buy Kirk Herbstreit's House!
Kirk Herbstreit could possibly be living the beautiful and clean town of Columbus, Ohio for whereabouts unknown because he has put his $3 million dollar house on the market. From TSD Mag via EDSBS...
You have to love living in Columbus, Ohio sometimes. No it's not NY or LA but you still hear things. Apparently Kirk Herbstreit's home is on the market. I heard this through a friend who lives in Upper Arlington where Kirk also lives. Not sure exactly if he's moving outside of Columbus or just getting a bigger house than the current rumored $3-4 million home he has now.The early odds are in on where Kirk could be moving to and I'll be taking all bettors starting at 1:30pm....
1:2- Bristol, Connecticut
3:1- New York, New York
5:1- Eugene, Oregon (said the Ducks have the best fans in the nation)
10:1- ESPN HQ (it's rumored that there may or my not be pods for personalities to sleep in)
2500:1- Newark, NJ (the only place on earth worse than Columbus, Ohio....I kid, I kid)
Hey Kirk, Where We Moving To? (TSD Magazine)
Buy Kirk's House! (EDSBS)
Labels: College Gameday, ESPN College Football, Kirk Herbstreit, Moooooovers
A Super Bowl Prop Bet For The Ages
He already burned me once this year by not saying the name Jessica Simpson in Dallas' Playoff game against the Giants, but this seems like a great bet for those of you who do that sort of thing. Via Sports Biz...
My big bet this year is "How Many Times Will (Fox Announcer) Joe Buck Mention Peyton Manning's Name During The Broadcast?"The biggest thing to consider is that it has to be during the action, so I'm inclined to go with the under. I'm also inclined to believe that Buck will see what I picked and to the exact opposite. He can read minds you know.
The over/under is 5.5 times.
If you take the over, is paying out $100 for every $125 wagered. If you take the under, the Web site will pay out $100 for every $115 wagered.
Before I analyze, let me just set up a couple terms for you. A "Peyton Manning" mention counts if Buck says "Peyton Manning" or "Peyton." It does not count if he says "Eli's brother" or "his brother." Another point worth adding is that the broadcast consists of the time in between the opening kickoff and when the clock hits zero.
Super "Prop Bet" That I Need Your Help On (CNBC: Sports Biz)
Labels: Damn it feels good to have Peyton, Eli Manning Is Unstoppable, Joe Buck, NFL on FOX, Super Bowl XLII
Random Reports Say Michael Wilbon Suffers Minor Heart Attack (Doing Well)
Enough with reality getting into my Sports. Apparently Michael Wilbon suffered a minor heart attack and was rushed to the hospital at 3am Monday morning. I don't know how a whole day went by without anyone finding this out but reports are starting to come in now.
From Sports Media Watch....
Michael Wilbon acclaimed longtime colunmist (sic) at the Washington Post and Pardon the Interruption (PTI) co-host suffered a minor heart attack this morning. It was reported that at 3 a.m. he complained of chest pains to his wife who took him to the hospital. Doctors found minor blockage in his heart and performed an angioplasty, which successfully removed the blockage.I am skeptical that the original story came from a site called "Pass the Word", but apparently Tony Kornheiser mentioned the chest pains during PTI this past evening. Also, friend and editor Roy S. Johnson (Men's Fitness) spoke with the PTI host earlier in this evening and confirmed everything is okay. Best wishes Mr. Wilbon.
Though he is weary he is expected tom be back at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona tomorrow.
Our thoughts and for those who pray - prayers - are with you.
Fan IQ also has a more eerie take on the situation.
Update: Here's the PTI clip in which Tony says he had chest pains. I'm just glad he's doing okay....
ESPNs Wilbon Has Heart Attack (Sports Media Watch)
Pardon the Interruption, But Michael Wilbon Had A Heart Attack (Madden Curse?) (FanIQ)
Labels: Michael Wilbon, PTI, Rumors, Tony Kornheiser
Your College Basketball Announcing Schedule (Week of January 28th)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Here's your CBB Announcing Schedule for the rest of the week brought to you by SI's Cheerleader of the week OSU's Michaela Hagerty. Michaela's favorite class is Sewing Lab (?) and she used to work at McDonalds! Ready? Okay!
Highlights: It goes without saying at this point, but Mike Patrick gets yet another Duke game. Erin Andrews is also on the schedule three times!
Monday, January 28th
Louisville vs. Connecticut (ESPN, 7pm)- Sean McDonough, Jay Bilas, Bill Raftery
Coppin State vs. Howard (ESPNU, 7pm)- Quint Kessenich, Jerry Bembry
Oklahoma State vs. Oklahoma (ESPN, 9pm)- Ron Franklin, Fran Fraschilla
Cal Poly vs. Pacific (ESPN2, 11pm)- Terry Gannon, Stephen Bardo
Tuesday, January 29th
Ohio State at Penn State (ESPN, 7pm)- Brent Musburger, Steve Lavin, ERIN ANDREWS
Virginia Commonwealth at George Mason (ESPN2, 7pm)- Bob Wischusen, Tom Brennan, Doug Gottlieb
Austin Peay at Southeast Missouri State (ESPNU, 7pm)- Mark Adams, TBD
Tennessee at Alabama (ESPN, 9pm)- Brad Nessler, Jimmy Dykes, Jeannine Edwards
Missouri State at Wichita State (ESPNU, 9pm)- Dan McLaughlin, Mac McCausland
Wednesday, January 30th
Virginia at Maryland (ESPN, 7pm)- Mike Patrick, Len Elmore
Cincinnati at West Virginia (ESPN2, 7pm)- Dave O’Brien, Doris Burke
Villanova at Pittsburgh (ESPNU, 7pm)- Beth Mowins, John Celestand, Melissa Knowles
Texas at Texas A&M (ESPN2, 9pm)- Ron Franklin and Fran Fraschilla
Thursday, January 31st
Boston College at North Carolina (ESPN, 7pm)- Brad Nessler, Jimmy Dykes, Stacey Dales
Providence at Notre Dame (ESPN, 7pm)- John Saunders, Bob Valvano
Indiana at Wisconsin (ESPN, 9pm)- Brent Musburger, Steve Lavin, ERIN ANDREWS
N.C. State at Duke (ESPN2, 9pm)- Mike Patrick, Len Elmore
Friday, February 1st
Iona at Saint Peter’s (ESPNU, 7pm)- Doug Sherman, Rob Kennedy
Saturday, February 2nd
Syracuse at Villanova (ESPN, Noon)- John Saunders, Len Elmore
Maryland at Georgia Tech (ESPN2, Noon)- Brad Nessler, Jimmy Dykes
Lehigh at Holy Cross (ESPNU, Noon)- Bob Socci, John Feinstein
Pittsburgh at Connecticut (CBS, 1pm)-
Kentucky at Georgia (CBS, 1pm)-
Oklahoma State at Texas Tech (ESPN, 2pm)- Dave Barnett, Stephen Bardo
Rider at Siena (ESPN2, 2pm)- Bob Wischusen, Mike Kelley
Eastern Kentucky at Tennessee Tech (ESPNU, 2pm)- Dave Weekly, Bart Bellaris
Stanford at Washington State (FSN, 3pm)-
Kansas at Colorado (ABC, 3:30pm)- Terry Gannon, Fran Fraschilla
Miami at Duke (ABC, 3:30pm)- Brent Musburger, Steve Lavin
South Alabama at Louisiana-Monroe (ESPN2, 4pm)- Jon Sciambi, Mark Adams
Harvard at Princeton (ESPNU, 6pm)- Quint Kessenich, Jerry Bembry
DePaul at Notre Dame (ESPN Classic, 6pm)- Anthony Calhoun, Toney Sedric
Arizona at UCLA (ESPN, 9pm)- Dan Shulman, Jay Bilas, ERIN ANDREWS
Sunday, February 3rd
Army at Bucknell (ESPNU, Noon)- Bob Socci, John Feinstein
Labels: Announcing Schedule, Erin Andrews, ESPN College Basketball, Mike Patrick
Uh Oh Hockey Fans, NHL Might Get Rid Of All-Star Game
Sad, terrible news out of Toronto this afternoon for you Hockey fans. As many people have noted this past weekend's NHL ASG was pretty tame and boring. I watched the better part of the first two periods before turning it off in favor of Duke-MD, but it seemed like the players were just going through the motions.
The disinterest and could lead to the Skills Competition and maybe the game being nixed. From Toronto Sun via SbB....
The league may have tough decisions to make. While some league officials privately are wondering why the NHL continues to have the all-star game, there could be changes after next year's game is held in Montreal to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Canadiens.
Though cancelling the game seems a little harsh, there are proponents of that route in the NHL headquarters. At the very least, it would appear the skills competition is going to become a victim of the changes once the league figures out what direction it wants to take.
Saturday's presentation at Philips Arena was better than in past years, but it's still lacking and many wonder if the game couldn't just stand alone with a headliner concert on Friday night in the host city to help kick off the celebration.
So we won't ever get to hear goalies cursing live on-air again (1:35 in)?
That's a shame. I hope your f**ing hip is okay Dipietro, and I really hope they don't cancel the ASG. The players may not be THAT into it but it's better than the damn Pro Bowl.
NHL To Shutter All-Star Game? Good God, NO!!! (Sports by Brooks) (Toronto Sun)
(Thanks to reader PW for the YouTube clip)
Lebron Does Not Like Trash Cans
Great video find from a site called Mixmakers. Lebron and his Cavs lost to Phoenix by two on Friday night, and apparently took it out on a trashcan. The action was caught by a German channel which would explain the weird language being spoken.....oh and he curses as well so turn the sound down a bit....
I just love how Larry Hughes walks by then thing and just stares down at the trash. You know he ain't picking that s**t up....he hasn't helped a teammate in years. Hey yo! Good work Germany.
LeBron cusses on live tv and more (Mixmakers)
Labels: Germany, LeBron James, Randomness, The S Word
ESPN Going All Out For A Game They Aren't Airing
That seems to be a recurring title these days, but the other contests pale in comparison to this year's Super Bowl coverage by ESPN. Among the highlights include 90 hours of television coverage, 65 hours of radio coverage, and twenty five different personalities on-air. Via ESPN....
*Super Bowl-related content across 16 ESPN platforms: ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNEWS, ESPN Classic, ESPNU, ESPN Deportes, ESPN HD, ESPN2 HD, ESPN International,, ESPN Radio,, ESPN Deportes Radio,, ESPN The Magazine and ESPN Mobile properties;Other highlights that I've read about include Tony Kornheiser appearing via satellite while Tirico and Jaws are there and a 3-hour version of Sunday Countdown on February 3rd. I can't wait! More media schedules and events to come as the week goes on.
* More than 90 hours of Super Bowl-related programming on domestic television from Arizona;
* More than 65 hours of Super Bowl-related programming on ESPN Radio from Arizona;
* ESPN International will bring the Super Bowl to some 10 million households in 99 countries;
*More than 25 on-air commentators (hosts, analysts, reporters and contributors) covering on-site;
* Live programming kicks off from Arizona Monday, Jan. 28 at 6 a.m. ET with Mike & Mike in the Morning on ESPN Radio (simulcast on ESPN2). ESPN’s coverage will peak with more than 21 hours of TV and radio coverage on Super Bowl Sunday, beginning with a special edition of Mike & Mike in the Morning at 6 a.m. (simulcast on ESPN2). Television coverage that day will be highlighted by two hours of SportsCenter Special shows and a special three-hour Sunday NFL Countdown (11 a.m. – 2 p.m.). Post-game coverage will include four hours of SportsCenter and NFL Primetime beginning at 10 p.m.
* ESPN’s week-long coverage will originate from the main set location at The Mix at Southbridge in Scottsdale. Select ESPN Radio programs will also originate from downtown Phoenix (outside Hyatt Regency) and from the Westgate City Center in Glendale.
Oh and one more thing....if you're attending the ESPN the Mag "Next Party" then your performers are Ludacris and Soulja Boy. If someone can get me footage of Chris Berman "supermanning that ho", I will love forever.
(Source: ESPN PR)
Labels: Announcing Schedule, ESPN Football, General Announcing
Umm, I Think You Forgot To Ask A Question Or Two
So Ray Lewis was on the BDSSP this past Friday and they had a cop come in to administer a lie detector test to the linebacker.
That was kind of intense, but I kept waiting for the one question to come. You know....A club in Atlanta...a knife...someone dying. Oh well I guess we'll never know. They could however still get Chris Rose on the thing to see if he actually thinks he's as cool as he thinks he is.
(Thanks to SR for sending the clip along)
Labels: Best Damn Sports Show Period, Liars, Randomness, Sports Arrests
Create The Caption #154
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Friday's Winners....
""And this is how I get myself ready to deal with Skip F'ing Bayless!""- Anon
"THERE IS NO DANA! ONLY ZOOL!!!!"- MicroscopicElvis (Ghostbusters....winner)
"Suzy, I just wanna kiss you."- Mal
"F**k you, f**k you, f**k you, you're cool, f**k you. I'm out."- Anon
"Today we salute you, Ms. More Embarrassed Than The People Actually Being Roasted."- Free Vick
And lastly....
"Alcoholic bottle of choice: $7.50
Wal-Mart brand jewelry, bra, and dress: $20
Trey Wingo knowing he actually has a chance at getting some: Priceless"
That's so wrong, but it had to be included. Sorry Dana.
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Brady and Seau preparing for the Super Bowl?
Daily Links:
ESPN Is Killing A Poker Controversy Because Of A Sponsor (Cake Rocks the Party)
What Is Going On With The Clippers? (Signal To Noise)
Something About A Giants Lineman And Sheep Testicles (Sports by Brooks)
Fan Vids Of The Pats Send Off (Red Sox Monster)
New Sport: Underwater Hockey (The Big Picture)
The Place To Be When In Arizona (For The Love Of Sports)
Which Team Is More Likely To Get In Trouble This Weekend (100% Injury Rate)
Jerry O'Connell As Tom Cruise (Sports Kolache)
Tiki's Burnt Bridges Coming To The Forefront
A ton of you emailed me after the Giants made the Super Bowl asking for me to take Tiki Barber to task, and I've basically been waiting for the right moment to do. The Monday of Super Bowl Week seems like the right time.
I always complain when the ESPNs and FOXs of the world bring on current athletes and coaches to do analysis because most of them would never dare say anything bad about the teams, coaches and players they are covering (see Herm Edwards). This same line of thinking applies to recently retired athletes and coaches and it's borderline annoying when these individuals take to the mic. While I commend Tiki Barber for taking a shot at providing honest commentary in the beginning of the season, he went about it the completely wrong way.
It's one thing to say Eli Manning is not a great leader and is a shaky Quarterback, but to go on a radio show with your brother and completely degrade the kid is another. And now that the New York has ascended to the biggest stage in Sports sans-Tiki, it's Manning and the Giants that appear to be getting the last laugh.
As the television networks scramble to snare exclusive interviews, Barber, who also is prominent on "Today," would seem to be NBC's key player because he knows the Giants players and coaches so well.At this point I'd be surprised if the Giants even looked at anyone from NBC, and I wouldn't blame them for it. I think we saw Tiki Barber's true colors at the beginning of the season and we're even seeing it today on his own radio show. When asked by his brother if he was upset he wasn't playing in the game this was his response....
Problem is, Barber is persona non grata now. Based on media reports, he stands a better chance at scoring a sit-down with Osama bin Laden than with Eli Manning or Michael Strahan. Barber is on the outside looking in at a very bad time for NBC.
"I'm not, dude. I'm really not. And I'm happy for them. I really am. A lot of people assume, and this has been somewhat of a source of consternation for me, mainly because of the media-driven, for lack of a better word, B.S., that gets put in the New York media and then picked up around the country about me being overly critical of the New York Giants. I said what I said because it is my job to say what I said about the New York Giants but that doesn't mean that I'm not a supporter of an organization that was part of my family for years."I can't even believe the guy anymore. If you are even the slightest bit competitive I don't know how you couldn't be upset. Just another reason not to hire every single ex-athlete you can just because you think their name will get you ratings.
NBC's Barber is a lonely man at the Super Bowl (Market Watch)
Labels: NBC Sports, New York Giants, Super Bowl XLII, Tiki Barber
Welcome Back Dana
Our good friend Dana Jacobson is back on First Take today from the studio while everyone else is on vacation in Arizona. With the weather the way it is in Arizona, she's probably better off in the studio though. Jacobson addressed the roast issue briefly and then went right in to the show....
"I want to once again say how truly sorry I am for my poor choices and bad judgment," Jacobson said. "I've taken responsibility for what I did say and do, and realize it was wrong. ... I have already learned a lot."I think you can take that as an admission of the quotes that have been floating around the interwebs are spot on and that she's ready to be forgiven. On a different note, Donovan McNabb is taking Skip Bayless to task on the show from Arizona and is actually pretty darn good. I'll see if I can get some good video from that matchup, but I'm ready to move past this Jacobson, so you won't be getting a clip of her 4th apology.
ESPN First Take Host Dana Jacobson Returns (Fanhouse)
Labels: Dana Jacobsen, Drunk People, ESPN First Take, Skip Bayless
ABC Is Quick On The Dump Button
ABC had a couple of great NBA games yesterday with a buzzer beater in one game and a nail bitter in the other. Of course that's not what I look I look for stuff like this....
"Dump! Dump! Quick Breen....go into the lost promo and Mark make a witty joke!!!"- Producer
Labels: Kobe Bryant, Mark Jackson, Mike Breen, The S Word
Boston Reporter Says Pats Fans Are "Smarter, Classier, And Healthier" Than New Yorkers
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I linked to one of her pieces the other day, but obviously The Herald's Jessica Heslam didn't want to end the war of words there. Ms. Heslam decided to take the war to a new level actually....
Pats fans consistently show better taste than their Gotham counterparts, according to Nielsen.Well then. If the studies say that's the case it has to be true. Although I think this guy might have something to say about that article.
We drink Amstel Light, not Bud Light. Giants fans slug back lots of whiskey.
We are likely to read connoisseur magazines like Wine Spectator. Gotham fans like to pig out on junk food like pretzels, chips and nuts. They’re also less likely to favor organic food than other New Yorkers.
Giants tailgaters are conspicuous consumers who party off the backs of Land Rovers and showy BMW SUVs. Pats fans are more likely to tailgate off the back of an understated Lexus or a sturdy Volvo SUV.
Pats fans a cut above (Boston Herald)
Newspaper Fight! (Awful Announcing)
Going Undefeated Makes Your Fans Want To Off Themselves (Awful Announcing)
Labels: Boston, Fights, New England Patriots, New York, New York Giants, sports writing
Follow-up: The Christian Defense Coalition's Field Trip To Bristol
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hopefully this can be the last post on this and now that everyone has gotten their feelings out there we can move on. Here are the highlights from the "March on Bristol".....
A dozen protesters marched in front of ESPN headquarters in Bristol today, calling for the firing of on-air personality Dana Jacobson for comments she made at a recent roast.You know what? I more pissed that someone took one of those damn acronym signs (A- Allowing, B- Bigoted, C- Comments) to a protest at this point than what Jacobson said. Can we put a ban on those signs permanently?
Jacobson, co-host of the "ESPN First Take" morning show, was disciplined by her employer after an expletive-laden speech. She was suspended one week. The protesters, some from local churches, carried placards with messages that read: "ESPN , Say No to Hate Speech," and "Fairness in the Media." Robert Muckle, 77, drove from Waterbury to Bristol to take part in the protest after reading about Jacobson's remarks in the newspaper.
"It's such a shame to disgrace Jesus and to take his name in vain," Muckle said.
And ESPN.....seriously....can you address whether she said F-Jesus or not. If she didn't you're just letting that rumor grow bigger.
Protest At ESPN (
UPDATE: I just got back in town and noticed the comments from the clever individual that decided to write racist thoughts over and over again. I apologize for not deleting them sooner.
The Big East Conference Prank Call Goes Public
I do not condone this behavior in the least and there's some very NSFW talk (right away actually so be careful) in this clip, but I have to admit it made me chuckle once or twice. Here's the audio from the Prank Call that took place this past Wednesday....
So there you have it. I think at the point the moderator says, "I'm not sure what to do here" is about the time that you need to just give up on the whole thing.
Prank Callers Terrorize Big East Coaches (w/ Audio!) (The Big Lead)
Take That Michelle!
I'm telling you that it's imperative that you watch the late SportsCenter every single night at this point. Van Pelt and Buccigross are reaching Gus Johnson levels of awesome these days and this intro is no exception....
What's up now Michelle!?!? He's television's John Bucigross and you're eating Cheese Doodles waiting for Family Feud to come on (I know I just rehashed everything in the video but it was THAT funny).
Bravo sirs!
(Thanks to AS for the clip)
Labels: John Buccigross, Randomness, Scott Van Pelt, Sports Center, Women
Create The Caption #153
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Yesterday's Winners....
"For the last time son, my name is not Indiana and I will not call you Short Round!"- Anon (Hilarious)
"Guess what dad? Now YOU are the biggest dissapointment to play QB in the Manning family!"- Rally Monkey Spanker
"Archie: Great game umm what is it again ?
Eli: Its Eli dad !!
Archie: Oh yeaa Eli lol *writes it on hand*"
"UNSTOPPABLE!? Haha wait till they hear you pissed your bed until you were 21!"- GusJohnsonForGod
"Go eat your Oreos son, daddy will handle the grown folks business"- susieSydell
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of well you know....? (Sorry I had to do it. Be nice to the Baby Jesus please.)
Daily Links:
Weiner Poopie! (Today's Big Thing)
Stephen A. Smith Has A New Blogging Friend (Juiced Sports Blog)
Is Georgetown Really THAT Good (Vegas Watch)
Barbaro Is Getting A Statue (Lion In Oil)
A Pretty Funny Penguins Car Commercial (Ballhype)
They're Making Fan Championship Rings Now? (Sports by Brooks)
Why Don't We Get Drunk And Interview? (The Big Picture)
Vito's Blue Dog (Busted Coverage)
Live-Blogging A Monster Truck Rally (Food Court Lunch)
Podcast With Some Guy Named Will Leitch (Sports Media Journal)
What Do The Humpty Dance And Dan Majerle Have In Common? (Rand Ball)
How Not To Throw A SuperBowl Party (Ladies...)
Deron Washington Would Like To Challenge Paulus For The ACC Flopping Title (And Dirtiest Player Award)
It was well documented how dreadful Paulus' flopping was against FSU, but his antics were nothing compared to Deron Washington's show last night. In a game against Duke the Virginia Tech Forward proceeded to flop, trip players, try to get into the Duke huddle, start a fight with Paulus, AND undercut Demarcus Nelson on a dunk attempt.
Here's the video.....
It's one thing to flop and look like a complete idiot (*ahem* Paulus) but actually trying to injure people during a game is unforgivable. That undercut of Nelson was premeditated and dirty as hell. Washington should be suspended for at least a game if not more.
It's a shame because he's a talented player that just let's his frustration get the better of him.
Va Tech-Duke: Deron Washington Plays Dirty (Fanhouse)
Labels: ACC Basketball, Dirty Players, Duke Basketball, YouTube Video
Bruce Pearl's Dickie V Impression
Mentioned yesterday that Bruce Pearl was going to be an analyst for the Tennessee Women's game last night versus Kentucky Arkansas, and here's a brief highlight of the coach's time behind the mic.....
Wow a ball got stuck on the rim during a Women's Basketball game. I'm sure that's never happened before, but good job by Pearl in those 25 seconds.
Tennessee Women's Basketball Gets A New Broadcaster For A Night (Awful Announcing)
Labels: Coaches, ESPN College Basketball, Familiar Faces In New Places
Reggie Miller Still Not Making Any Sense
I think I almost cried when I heard that Steve Kerr was heading back to the otherside of the mic last year. The best announcing team in any Sport was being ripped apart and I knew what that meant. Marv would be stuck with a dreadful Reggie Miller.
It's almost halfway through the season, and last night Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo Sports took the time to chronicle the night of Reggie and they are special....
"The first player to go is usually the coach."I'm not entirely sure what pity-pack is, but I know funny when I see it. My personal favorite Reggie moment from last night was when the Warriors put up a split screen of Reggie and Barack Obama (I screwed up the video, but it was great).
"We're not here for lollipop and kisses."
"What's funny, looking at his free throw stroke, [and] being a shooter myself, it looks really good. His mechanics are good, his follow-through is good. Now I'm just wondering if it's a matter of mechanics."
"Without the pity-pack and the dribbling, he's exactly like Dwyane Wade." (on Monta Ellis)
Announcer says what? Reggie Miller takes the mic (Yahoo Sports)
Labels: Marv Albert, Quotes, Reggie Miller, Steve Kerr, TNT Basketball
Christians Set To Protest ESPN
Look I'm all for free speech, but I'm all for calling it ridiculous when it gets out of control. The Christian Defense Coalition plans to set up a boycott/vigil outside of ESPN's Bristol Headquarters today at Noon and there's already an itinerary floating around out there.
Event Details---Right. I don't really have anything to say to this, but if you can get to Bristol or are actually IN Bristol....I need pictures.
When: Friday, January 25, 12:00 noon
Where: On the public sidewalk in front of ESPN on West Street, across from McDonalds, in front of the sign that reads "Welcome to Bristol, Home of ESPN," in Bristol, Connecticut
An ESPN executive confirmed to Rev. Patrick Mahoney the existence of a tape of Dana Jacobson's comments. The Christian Defense Coalition will lead a protest asking ESPN to release the tape and fire Jacobson.
ESPN executives have agreed to meet with Christian Defense Coalition members on Friday, following the demonstration. The Coalition says hate speech, bigotry, and religious intolerance should have no place in the public square and the only proper response for ESPN is to release Ms. Jacobson.
Via Press of AC: "Maybe she didn't use the exact words 'F Jesus' ... and ESPN could end this entire controversy in 5 minutes by releasing the tape, and they won't," the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, head of the Christian Defense Coalition, said in a telephone interview.
ESPN's Dana Jacobson learns the Internet is always listening (Press of Atlantic City)
Update on Location of ESPN Protest Set for Friday (Christian Newswire)
Update: And there's this via TBL...

Wow...good form.
Online Rivalry Begins Between Yahoo! And ESPN
Thursday, January 24, 2008
One of the most well-known and respected Business magazine, Fast Company took a look into some of the work that Yahoo! has done to re-brand itself in the Sports World. The whole thing is a pretty good read but the best part is the quotes from those involved.....
The contrasts between Yahoo Sports and give it all the trappings of a classic rivalry. ESPN has only taken baby steps into the blogosphere and lags in fantasy sports, but overall has an enormous built-in advantage: It televises the games themselves, both on its nine U.S. TV networks and online. "We don't see ourselves as simply a Web site, but as a network that goes across digital," says ESPN's John Kosner, senior VP and GM of digital media. "I don't think there's much question among sports fans who offers the best content."Booyah! What's up now ESPN??? Michael Silver's coming for your ass!!! In all seriousness I don't really read either publication, but I think both are doing a great job of increasing their viewers. By the time ESPN realizes how to market their online game offerings though it could be a blowout.
Yahoo Sports may never rival ESPN in terms of scope. But it doesn't have to as long as it feeds the larger Yahoo effort to reinvent itself. Pitaro says he speaks to Jerry Yang regularly, and the CEO believes that sports is a bellwether of what's possible if major categories such as news, finance, travel, and music are also category leaders. More people starting their day at Yahoo means more ads--and higher rates.
Yahoo Sports' team is taking it one game at a time. But sometimes they can't help but think big. "The vibe here is not timid," Silver says. "We're here to bust down the door and smack some people around."
All things considered it's pretty amazing the reversal of fortune that Yahoo! has achieved, and like I always say....more sources are better than just one.
Yahoo's Rally Cry (Fast Company)
AA At The Sporting News
Got video of Kelly Tilghman's on-air apology, which was pretty standard besides the fact that the Golf Channel forgot to turn on the sound at first. Check it out over at Sporting News.....
Tilghman's Apologizes; Hopefully Tiger Reads Lips (The Sporting Blog)
Other Goodness at SN Recently:
Jeremis Smith Sure Can Dunk (Chris Mottram)
Go Daddy Edited For Showing a Furry Creature (Orson Swindle)
Rudy Gay Wants Your Dunks (Chris Littman)
Shanoff's Wake Up Calls (Dan Shanoff)
Case might cost Moss (Mike Florio)
Tennessee Women's Basketball Gets A New Broadcaster For A Night
Who you ask? This guy.....Tennesse
The No. 2-ranked Tennessee Lady Vols will host Arkansas on Thursday at 7 p.m., and men's coach Bruce Pearl will try his hand at sportscasting while serving a color commentator on the TV broadcast that will be televised in this area on WAPK, Channel 6 on Charter Cable.Pearl will join Bob Kesling, who will do the play-by-play. Rick Russo of Channel 8 in Knoxville will provide sideline commentary.That should be fun. If any of you live in Tennessee and want to report back to me on he does I'd appreciate it.
Pearl To Do Color for Lady Vols Game (TriCities Sports)
Mike And Mike Are Going Fishing
I don't know why they feel the need to keep doing these stunts, but far be it from me to tell anyone what to do. The Mike and Mike Show is traveling to Greenville, South Carolina to cover the Bassmaster Classic...
Mike & Mike in the Morning will broadcast live, 6 a.m.-10 a.m. ET Friday, Feb. 22, from the 38th Bassmaster Classic launch site at Portman Marina on South Carolina’s Lake Hartwell. Fifty of the world’s top anglers will then start their three-day odyssey for a chance at $1.2 million in prizes, including the winner’s purse of $500,000 and the prestigious title of Bassmaster Classic champion.That sounds like fun. I'm sure Greenberg loves to fish and doing well, man stuff.
ESPN2 will devote 11 hours to Classic programming over the three days of competition, and will provide extensive hourly coverage, including live, streaming video of the daily weigh-ins.
“It’ll be new to a lot of the listeners out there,” Golic said of the live broadcast from the Classic. “A lot of these anglers have really good personalities, so they’ll be able to explain their craft, and with a little bit of humor. They could certainly open the eyes of some of the listeners to what they do.”
(Source ESPN PR)
Labels: Dumb Ideas, Mike Golic, Mike Greenberg, Randomness, Sports Radio
Sage Steele Thinks That Super Bowls Are Played On Mondays
You just knew that ESPN was going to jump on this newspaper war between Boston and New York. Sage Steele had the Herald's on First Take to address the battle (and later Mike Vaccaro), but it wasn't anything about the feud that caught my attention....
Umm, Sage....the whole world knows the date of the Super Bowl. The 4th is a Monday. A small misstep, but humorous if you think about Sage showing up in Arizona on February 4th and the grounds crew putting her to work sweeping the stadium.
Labels: ESPN First Take, Randomness, Sage Steele, YouTube Video
Create The Caption #152
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Yesterday's Winners....
"Thanks for the reminder lady. I guess I could've looked at the 53 trophy's in my case, but I really needed your sign to jog my memory."- H-Town
"Not shown: her date's balls are in a jar at her feet"- Hawkins
"I didn't know Topanga and Cory were still together!"- hsplaybyplayman (Boy Meets World....nice.)
""God, tennis is boring!""- mplant
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Eli and Pops?
Daily Links:
We'll Always Have Mexico, Tony Dumps Jessica (NY Daily News)
The Cubs Like A Blogger's Photoshopping Skills (Homerun Derby)
Reporter Asks Sharapova About Playboy (Times Online)
ESPN Has Awesome Billboards (Fans Attic)
More On Stephen A's Blog (Simon on Sports)
Worst Tattoo Ever (Fan IQ)
Snow Boarder Won't Get Naked Anymore (Rumors and Rants)
Osi Needs To Pipe Down (Big Blue View)
Woe Is Wade Phillips (Shoot Your Hopes and Dreams)
The College Prankster Strike Again! This Time It's The Big East (DC Sports Bog)